Be More Persuasive By Being More Valuable

Make your message more persuasive by making it more Valuable.

Persuasion Secret: Know what People Love? VALUE.

How do you offer Value?
#1. You have to find out what your MARKET a.k.a. the people you’re Selling to Value.

So what they love? What do they want more than anything else? What do they jump out of bed excited about? Got that? Cool.

#2. Connect YOUR product or service to the Transformation they want in their life.

They have a Need (#1) now.. you Connect that with your Amazingly Good Product/Service.

THEN ~ Here’s the real juicy Filet Mignon you’ve been craving.. You Raise the Stakes!

You Multiply whatever it is you’re giving them and 10X the deal… For the same Extremely reasonable super low price!

You GIVE them the Thing that’s gonna get them the Results and Solution they $o desperately crave in their lives (Maybe it’s making buckets of money!

And a beach vacation with Piña Coladas on a Pearly white beach with a sweet breeze and turquoise waves…) ..And THEN some.

You offer Group calls for no Extra charge. You give them your 5 Step Sales script that is So Easy and Sleaze-Free anybody could do it.

You share with them your hella profitable untapped list of real estate opportunities… Whatever it is that will MULTIPLY the perceived value.

All for the same Low Low Investment of 123 dollars.

But.. it’s just for a Limited Time! “Hey – if you want this great deal you gotta Act Now, because we need to Reserve your spot 90 days in Advance..” Or some other real compelling reason.

Make the Bonuses Insanely Delicious..

Give! Give! Give! Massive Value.. and your Offer will Instantly become equally Massively Persuasive.? Like this post? Let me know in the comments!

Want me to write YOUR Ads and Emails for your list to Quickly Earn some more ??? Contact me here. ??

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